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You elect what was represented to you as a POPULIST prez. What you get is a typical Republican. Were you scammed?

Posted - April 27, 2017


  • 22891
    seems like it sometimes
      April 27, 2017 11:19 AM MDT

  • 13261
    Hi Rosie:

    How do you define "typical Republican"? And what about "typical Democrat"? I bet no 2 people would define them the same way.
      April 27, 2017 11:26 AM MDT

  • Thinking the same thing Stu, good point. Sadly one with no possible answer :-/
      April 27, 2017 12:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It isn't my question StuB. It was a question posed by a member of a panel on TV. Not my words. You are zeroing in on the edges of the question Stu. You avoid the core point of the question. SIGH. If I could ask the person on TV whose question it was what HE meant by it I would. But I can't. So I rely on the Answermuggers to answer the question as they see fit as best they can. If you don't know what a "typical" Republican is I cannot fill in that blank for you.  As for "typical"  Democrat? That's easy. We believe in helping those who need help. We believe in encouraging all people to vote and not putting roadblocks in the way. We  believe that government should be for ALL the people not just the wealthy and the powerful. We believe in "do unto others" and not "do to others  before they do to you". We believe what is written on the Statue of Liberty. We don't hate immigrants nor do we fear them. We welcome them. We believe health care and education are good things and should be available to all and not just make sure everyone has " access to it" if you have enough money. We believe Doofus Donny is a loose cannon who can go off at any time in any direction for any reason or no reason all. We don't trust him to do right by us.  I don't know if that helps but it's all I got. Thank you for your question. Did I answer it? I bet you're wrong. I bet lots of Dems feel as I do about what it means to BE a Democrat. Of course I can't PROVE it.
      April 28, 2017 4:19 AM MDT

  • 13261
    OK, but IMHO, if you're going to use a label/phrase/term such as "typical XYZ" in a question or answer, it's a good idea to have handle on how you define it. Just saying. And as for your definition of "typical Democrat", consider our Blue Dog friends...

    While they are just as much members of the Dem Party as anyone else, do you honestly believe that, for example, the 18 coalition members serving in the House of Representatives (the 115th Congress) such as Jim Costa, Charlie Crist, Henry Cuellar, Josh Gottheimer, Dan Lipinski, and Stephanie Murphy (to name a few) support all those things when Blue Dogs typically espouse moderate-to-conservative positions on economic

    BTW, a few fun facts from Wikipedia:

    - Freshman Blue Dogs in the House are sometimes nicknamed "Blue

    - On economic issues, Blue Dogs tend to be pro-business, favoring lower corporate tax rates, limiting public welfare spending and reducing Social Security benefits.

    - The editors of the left-wing weblog OpenLeft refer to Blue Dog Democrats who voted for war     funding in May 2007 and voted to grant the Executive branch warrantless wiretapping powers as "Bush Dogs".

    - Blue Dog membership was nearly cut in half by the 2010 election, in which 26 members were re-elected but 28 were either defeated or chose not to run for re-election. It was nearly cut in half again for the 113th Congress.

    Shocking what some of our fellow Dems believe and vote for/against, isn't it Rosie? Many issues aren't as simple or black-and-white as I think you you believe they are.
      April 28, 2017 7:50 AM MDT

  • 13261
    Hi Rosie:

    Another thought: not sure this is what you intended, but to me, the tone of your question implies that you think of American people/voters as mindless sheep with limited capacity for intelligent/ independent thought. Do you really believe we're all that dumb?
      April 27, 2017 10:07 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You read into my question something that exists in YOUR mind Stu. It YOUR baggage that you brought here, not mine.  What you suggest is not there at all. Read the question again. It is simple bait and switch. You go to the car dealer because he advertised a car you want at a GREAT price. He tells you it's already sold  but he has this other car that's so much better that he shows you. It is also far more expensive. We are all victims of BAIT and SWITCH. It has nothing to do with our intellect. It has everything to do with the dishonesty of the person we believed. I only have control over what I say/do. I have no control over how people perceive it. Do YOU think you and others are dumb?  Do YOU think many of you are sheeple? Did I answer your question? Now would you like to answer mine?
      April 28, 2017 4:04 AM MDT